Using Affirmations to Turn My Aspirations Into Reality

Have I said that I want more? I want more than living in the Midwest. I want more than being a housewife. I want more than a “regular” job. I just want more. That said, it is so easy to stop looking toward your aspirations, and to spend too much time worrying about the day to day. So how do you balance the day to day life and the crazy big goals that you have for yourself, but no one else seems to understand, not even your spouse? Clear goals. Timelines. Action plans. Steps. Affirmations. These things may sound boring to you and completely un-sexy, but if you are going to have made progress toward your goal one year from now, then having clear goals and intentions are necessary.

Adulting and life in general is monotonous. There is housework to do. If you’re going to put food on the table then you’ll need to do something to earn a paycheck in the meantime. There is so much to do in your everyday life just to survive, but how the hell do you do these things AND work towards your crazy big goals? How do you do it all? How can you do all of the things without pulling your hair out? I don’t know, maybe by creating replicable routines to do the everyday tasks more efficiently? Also focusing your attention on positive affirmations and mantras. It is so easy to get sucked into a negative mindset when dealing with everyday life. That said, if you believe with every fiber of your being that these positive affirmations are true for you, then you will start to produce more positive results in your life, and you will begin to work toward those goals, girl!

Working on what needs done now versus working gradually toward long term goals is a bad habit that I can effortlessly slip into. All of the things, yeah they still have to get done, and I often slip into doing whatever it takes to stay afloat. At times I feel like I have a never ending list of things to do. But you see, when I dwell on the never ending list of things to do, and I simply do work to stay afloat, I am working so inefficiently. I am working on committing to time blocks, carving out time to work on similar tasks, and focusing on completing those tasks for an extended period of time. Fully committing to this is going to require that I just believe that it is going to work. To allow myself to fail at something for one day, not stay afloat in one aspect of my life, and just commit to the new routine, the new time blocks, and work flows. It is going to take faith, but with a few positive affirmations and good vibes, I can foresee a simpler, more efficient future.

Loving my life now and being grateful for the things that are currently in my life is also key. Sometimes it is work, sometimes I slip up, but I attempt to focus on what I do have, and not what is lacking, or dwell too much on the goals that I haven’t yet attained. I can easily forget the accomplishments I have achieved, and I have to reignite the appreciation for those accomplishments. It is also easy to dwell on negatives and find ugliness that is hidden in a given situation, but I try to find the beauty in the smallest of things. All of this helps to create contentment in my life, and could do the same for you.

Constant personal development and collecting and reciting positive affirmations helps me to keep negativity at bay. It is so easy to get sucked into the day to day life, to dwell on the monotony, and become discouraged when it appears that I am not moving toward my goals. Fostering positive vibes and keeping myself vibrating at a high frequency is crucial to keep me out of that rut. That’s why I collect affirmations that speak to my soul. I look for them everywhere. I find them on instagram, FaceBook, in emails, on Pinterest – everywhere! I listen to podcasts when I am washing dishes or putting laundry away. I seek out tutorials and trainings and research how I can improve my craft. I do all of these things and recite mantras and affirmations, and slowly but surely I am creating a confidence in myself that will surely see me farther a year from now than I am today.

Stay Stylish,
The Fashion Passionista

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