The Perfect Tribe – Qualities & Traits I’m Seeking

Why do I need a tribe? Why am I accepting applications? How could I possibly have certain qualities and traits that I am searching for in a friendship? It is not that I am a selfish or needy person. Okay, I take back that last part. My husband might say that I am needy at times. But I am most definitely not intentionally needy or self-centered. I just crave a strong support system. I crave support emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, a work or entrepreneur connection and support, and a support system at home. Needing support in all of these areas is too much to expect from one person – that would be selfish. So I need a tribe that can lift me up, and others that I can lift up as well.
*I cover why having a tribe is a necessary asset in life in this post.*

tribe graphic 1 .jpgWhy don’t I already have a tribe? What is lacking? While I have so much for which I am grateful, there are also some voids in my life that I am seeking to fill. I have some remarkably reliable friends, but I also seem to have an abundance of friends that can not seem to reply to my messages when I reach out to them. This is probably more discouraging than the fact that they can not seem to reach out to me first. But I would be lying if I said that the lack of effort on their part didn’t also discourage me. I don’t feel like I have a strong emotional connection with anyone other than my husband, and this can be difficult. I have spent the better part of my life bottling up my emotions and pretending that things were right or normal, and I just wish that I could be open and honest, and also share a portion of my burdens with someone other than Matt. I need another woman who understands the stress and difficulties of running a business, and can feel comfortable using me as a means to blow off steam, and vice versa. I NEED someone besides my husband who knows when I have big events happening in my life, rallies behind me, cheers me on, supports me unconditionally, and checks in on me. We must check in on our seemingly strong friends!

So what is it that I am looking for me in my tribe? Well, as I said before, I need someone to support me emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally, entrepreneurlly {I know this is not a word, get off my back…}, and in my home life. I’m going to need multiples in this tribe of mine. Obviously Matt is in my tribe. Duh! But I need another who can support my mental health – talk openly with me about my anxiety and depression. I need someone to support me emotionally – ask me how I’m feeling, how life is having its effects on me. I need someone to be on my level spiritually – talk good vibes, share positive affirmations with me, and keep me vibrating at a high frequency. Someone I can encourage to do the same. My figure should be a sign that I need a support system physically – to share health goals, to hold me accountable, to encourage me to get that work out on, and maybe even do these things together. I need an entrepreneur support system – to offer ideas when I’m struggling, to be my champion and cheer on my business no matter what, to talk shop with me, to check in with me when I am planning and running things in my business that are a huge freaking deal, to attend my events and provide as much moral support as possible. Lastly, Matt has to be on board to support me from home – to wrap all of these things up in a miniature package and stay in tune with me.

tribe graphic 2So when and how will this tribe come to fruition? I don’t know how soon this tribe will be complete, and I am not exactly sure how to go about adding some of these tribe members, but I can say that quality definitely trumps quantity. I am not looking for everyone to love me. I know that I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I simply need high quality people to mesh with that provide value in my life. I need others who won’t kill my vibe, but will elevate my life. There are definitely a few contenders in some of these areas, but I also plan to get creative and search far and wide for my tribe, both in real life and virtually. I won’t be rushing the process, but I’m on a mission to find my fellow creative, girl boss, high viber, maker, style icon, entrepreneur, musician, artist, dancer, mama. If this post resonates with you, or one of these labels sticks, maybe you should apply. 😉
Stay Stylish,
The Fashion Passionista

2 thoughts on “The Perfect Tribe – Qualities & Traits I’m Seeking

  1. Kim Brewer says:

    I am right with you on all of these ideas. Have loads of family but no outside friends. I know we are different ages but know how you feel.


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