Incorporating Positive Affirmations into Your Life

I remember referring to myself as a pessimist in my past life. Past life as in, the life before my diagnosis. I thought I was normal and ordinary, but a pessimist. Someone devoid of positive, and spectacular experiences. I thought that good things didn’t happen to people like me. These are the sorts of things I remember thinking as a teenager. Now I realize that can’t be normal. The average teenager can not possibly think that the world is out to get her and nothing positive will come of life?

Last year was a time of awakening for me. As a LuLaRoe Retailer, I anxiously and eagerly got my hands on all of the training experiences I could, from conventions to small-scale training workshops, online webinars, forums, our back office database filled with fashion fundamentals, and so much more. Of all of the experiences of learning last year, the most pivotal was hands down the chance to change my mindset on life, opportunities, money, etc.

You see, you are what you attract, and you attract what you are. Of course good things wouldn’t happen to a person like me, because I had labeled myself as a pessimist, and I was only focusing on negativity. It took me a while, and I still occasionally slip into my old ways, but I had to learn that a positive mindset produces positive outcomes, and I had to acknowledge the fact that I was not healthy mentally.

Throughout my studies on mindset I learned that you are what you think. Focusing on abundance will produce abundance in your life. Whatever you focus on, you will attract. Giving and receiving works hand in hand, and you must be equally open to both in all capacities. You should be grateful for what you currently have, while also having faith that you can grow into something more. It was through these discoveries that I found the necessity to collect positive affirmations. In fact, I have an entire photo album in my phone devoted to positive affirmations I discover whilst surfing the internet.

So acknowledge what areas of your life in which you crave more. Honor the feelings that you’re having, but then start using some of these principals to attract what you desire. Remember, you are what you attract and you attract what you are, and an abundant mindset will produce a life of abundance. positive affirmation.jpg

Stay Stylish & Enlightened Friends,
The Fashion Passionista

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